

The bot requires Python 3.8 or later.

requirements.txt contains the dependencies.

Quick startup procedure

  • Clone the repository using git clone
  • (If desired, create and activate a virtual environment)
  • Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Copy the example account from user_data/account.example.json into user_data/account.json and modify it by entering API key and secret
  • Copy the pyarmor*.rkey to the root folder of Hawkbot and rename it to pyarmor.rkey
  • Launch the bot with python3 -a <account alias>

The account alias is can be found in the user_data/account.json. In the following example, the account alias is binance_01::

"binance_01": {
    "exchange": "binance",
    "key": "",
    "secret": ""

The account file

The account file specifies the api key and secret per exchange.
It can contain multiple exchange configurations, and the exchange specified in the config file defines which account information is actually used.

Bybit unified account

If you're using a Unified Trading Account on bybit, make sure to set the unified flag to true in the account.json file::

"bybit_01": {
    "exchange": "bybit",
    "key": "<your key>",
    "secret": "<your secret>",
    "unified": true

The config file

When starting the bot, it will load a configuration file containing the settings to run with. If not specified, Hawkbot will try to load a file located at user_data/config.json. This location can be overriden by passing the -c when starting Hawkbot::

python3 -a <account_alias> -c user_data/my_custom_config.json

License file

When starting the bot, you will need to have a license file. You can get one by joining the Discord - Hawkbot server. Once you have obtained a license key, you will need to put it in the root folder of the Hawkbot repository, and rename it to pyarmor.rkey

Using Docker

In case you want to run Hawkbot in a docker container, there is a Dockerfile provided in the repository root for convenience.


  • Docker 19.03.0+
  • Docker-compose 1.25.5+


  1. Clone the repository and change directory to the root of the repository.
  2. Configure account's configurations file and place it in ./configs/account.json.
  3. Configure the bot's configurations file and place it in ./configs/config.json.
  4. Place license file in ./pyarmor.rkey.
  5. Change the account name bybit_01 in the docker-compose.yml file (last line).
  6. Run docker-compose up -d --build to start the bot.
  7. Additional command line arguments can be added to the bot's command line using the PARAMS environment variable.
  8. Run docker-compose logs -f to view the logs.
  9. Use Ctrl+C to exit.
  10. Use --tail <number> to view previous lines.
  11. Run docker-compose down to stop the bot.